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Learn how to use callers and scents, but above all else, study your prey: pay close attention to animal behavior, traits and patterns of movement. Develop your character by unlocking various skills and equipment. Practice and steady your aim at the shooting range. Acquire and equip a range of rifles, handguns and bows and customize them with scopes and different ammunition types.theHunter: Call of the Wild is built using Apex – Avalanche Open World Engine, award-winning technology crafted during a decade of developing explosive action games. Avalanche Studios and Expansive Worlds bring hunting to a new generation of players.theHunter: Call of the Wild is the evolution of theHunter, Expansive Worlds’ stand-out hunting game, with over 6 million registered players and 7 years of live operations.Exploring the open world has never been more fun. Tired of walking between your hunts? Drive an ATV! This capable vehicle will carry you across rough terrain at breakneck speeds. Discover lookouts, hunting towers and outposts. Take on missions and challenges from the locals, or go off the beaten path.The vast world of theHunter: Call of the Wild is split up into separate and distinct hunting reserves, each one filled with surprises and memorable moments.